Every year we receive a team from Europe that is excited to see what missions is all about and would like to volunteer for two or three weeks with GFI and this year was Jessie and I's first time leading this team.

We picked them up in the airport in Nairobi, brought them back to the Eldoret base (a good 6 hour drive). We taught them a dance and a drama and they we were of to Lokichar, a town in the Turkana desert. We worked alongside Jonas Wallisser who has organised a football tournament to gather in all the youth in the area. During the half time, and full time breaks we performed the dances and dramas to thousands of kids, and young adults, we took this opportunity to share testimonies of how God has worked in our lives to great effect.

When the team wasn't doing dances, dramas and talks we were helping with puppet shows, and acting out bible stories for young children. On Sunday we split up and and spoke in many of the local churches. We went far out into the desert to see remote villages, here we brought essential food supplies as a gift. Some of the team went out late at night to these villages to show the Jesus film under the stars on a projector mounted to the 4x4.

In the last night of meetings we handed out the trophies for the football tournament as well sponsored jerseys and footballs to the different teams involved. Peter and Jonas appealed for the thousands of people to put there trust in Jesus and burn there secret witchcraft items. A large barrel was used for this and later burned. The Fathers presence was confirmed with many coming forward to put there trust in Him as well as a number being healed. God Is Good.

Once back in Eldoret we took the SIM team to a local orphanage, were we had time to interact with the children, here there stories, play with them, and bring them some encouragement. On another day we drove several hours down rough roads to a school that GFI has been partnering with. GFI has been sponsoring reading and writing materials as well as recently a new school toilet. (In Africa sadly it has been the case that children will often fall into poorly constructed toilets getting hurt and worse). As well as spending time with the children and staff we were able to painting one of the primary school rooms, which I believe was great fun for all involved.
After all this hard work we felt the SIM team deserved a bit of a break. We were starting early in the morning, often before 5:30 and finishing late at night. We took the team to a local game park where we were able to see a number of wild animals, including Lions! The next day we climbed Mt Longonot, a volcano with very steep and dusty paths. Once in Nairobi we went to a number of local tourist attractions before sending the team back home to Germany and Switzerland.
It was such a privalidge to work with this team, see them overcome challanges and step out for God. We had many adventures and lots of fun. If any of this interests you, and you would like to come out to visit and see the work we do, or would like to help sponsor or support these efforts please get in touch with us at joshua.rex@gmail.com or jessrrex@gmail.com